Thursday, November 25, 2010 | By: Jijah bt. Mohamad Suhai


“Action may not always bring success, but there is no success without it.” 
                                                                               - Benjamin Disraeli -

“If you don’t overcome the obstacles, you’ll never become the success.”
                                                                              John Mackovic -
Monday, November 22, 2010 | By: Jijah bt. Mohamad Suhai


"The happiest people do not have the best of everything but they simply make the best of everything.  Live simply, speak kindly, care deeply and love generously."                                
                                                            - Prof Dr Muhaya -

 "Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn."
                                                 - Benjamin Franklin -
Sunday, November 21, 2010 | By: Jijah bt. Mohamad Suhai


The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection. 

                                                          - Thomas Paine - 

Thursday, November 18, 2010 | By: Jijah bt. Mohamad Suhai


Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young. 
- Henry Ford -

Five Strategies to Keep Students Learning in a Calm Classroom Environment

Strategy 1
Keep the lesson moving. If you have a forty-five minute period, plan three different activities. Try to get them up out of their seats at least once during the class period. Those students with pent up energy will thank you for it.

Strategy 2
Don’t lecture for the whole period. Students who are actively engaged in a learning activity are generally not disrupting the class. Hands-on activities work great for vivacious classrooms.

Strategy 3 
Talk to your students. If you see them in the hall, in the cafeteria or at the grocery store, ask them how they are. If you see a student in the local newspaper, congratulate them. If they do something nice, tell them that you appreciate their kindness. This lets them know that you really do care about them.

Strategy 4
When students are being disruptive by talking, poking, pulling or crumpling paper, go stand by them. This sends them a direct message to stop what they are doing. Most of the time they stop and get back to work.

Strategy 5
When you have stood by the student, talked to the student and kept them busy with lessons, and they still are disruptive, take them in the hallway. Ask them, “Are you OK?” The students will crumble and tell you that they had a fight with their parents, didn’t get up on time or are having other issues. If they are defiant, send them on to the principal. 

14 Principles For Good Teaching.

Thomas Angelo (1993) identifies 14 principles for good teaching :
Use In Classroom
Students are actively engaged in learning
Students teach other students, collaborate, hands-on work, and are motivated by the teacher. 
Teacher focuses attention by making it clear what is to be learned and the priorities of subject elements.
Teacher tells students initially what they are going to learn and why it is important for them to know the material.
Teacher sets high, but realistic goals
Some of these goals are formulated from test data and your assessment of student knowledge. 
Teacher meaningfullly connects new information with prior knowledge
"Yesterday we learned about primary and secondary colors. Today we are going to use what we've learned by ______." 
Teacher helps students unlearn erroneous knowledge and bias
The teacher assesses the success of the lesson and then reteaches if necessary.
Teacher organizes subject content in meaningful ways that are personally and academically appropriate, and is aware of their own learning style (metacognition)
Sometimes the organization of subject matter changes dynamically as the teacher teaches. Each group of students is different. 
Teacher gives timely and specific feedback to students.
The teacher roams the room and looks over the student's shoulder to make sure they understand and then gives immediate feedback. Examination results are reviewed and retaught if needed.
Teacher knows in advance the standards to be used in assessment and evaluation, and the nature of that assessment.
The teacher hands out the rubric for the lesson ahead of time so students know exactly what constitutes an "A."
Teacher invests adequate time and quality with a focused effort.
The teacher plans for a longer lesson, and then shortens it by priorities if students need more time.
Teacher finds real-world applications in many contexts so that students transfer what they are learning.
"If you become an art director, you will need to have thorough knowledge of the elements of design."
Teacher perceives and adopts high expectations of achievement.
Let students know your expectations and ask them what they expect from the course.
Teacher balances instruction so that all learners are challenged.
Because novice learners need more time, give more challenging material to high achievers while you spend more time with remediation.
Teacher clearly perceives the value in what is to be learned.
Explain to students why it is important to know the material. The value of the material should also motivate both students and teacher.
Teacher interacts frequently with learners and other teachers.
Learn students' names, ask them all engaging questions, and collaborate with successful teachers.

Best Practices

Lanlois and Zales (1992) identified eight proven methods of effective teaching. They say a good teacher has:
  1. High expectations of student achievement.
  2. Course methods and routines that are clear to the teacher and student.
  3. Varied and appropriate teaching method and materials.
  4. A supportive, cooperative atmosphere.
  5. Enthusiasm, energy, caring, and maintenance of a nonthreatening atmosphere.
  6. A manifest belief that their subject is important.
  7. Relates instruction to student interests.
  8. Content expertise.
Sunday, November 14, 2010 | By: Jijah bt. Mohamad Suhai

SPM semakin hampir...

Kepada semua pelajar Tingkatan 5 SMK Pantai serta  calon-calon SPM 2010...

Selamat menghadapi Peperiksaan SPM mulai 23 November 2010. Saya berharap semua pelajar telah berusaha dengan bersungguh-sungguh dalam membuat persiapan bagi menduduki Peperiksaan SPM nanti. Saya ingin mengingatkan para pelajar agar memberi penekanan kepada mata pelajaran yang masih belum dikuasai dengan baik. Begitu juga, jika ada topik-topik tertentu yang perlu dititikberatkan.

Selamat berjuang demi masa depan anda. Jaga kesihatan dan JANGAN LUPA mohon restu daripada kedua ibu bapa serta guru-guru di sekolah anda. Saya percaya semua guru sentiasa mendoakan kejayaan anda dalam semua mata pelajaran.
Good Luck!


There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.
                                                                                  - Collin Powell -

The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity but the optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.
                                                            - Winston Churchill -

A Story of 4 Peoples

There was an important job to be done and EVERYBODY was sure that SOMEBODY would do it. SOMEBODY got angry about that because it was EVERYBODY ’s job.

EVERYBODY thought ANYBODY could do it but NOBODY realised that EVERYBODY wouldn’t do it, it ended up that EVERYBODY blamed SOMEBODY  when NOBODY did what ANYBODY could have done.
Sunday, November 7, 2010 | By: Jijah bt. Mohamad Suhai

Examples On How To Motivate Students To Do The Reading.

Assign the reading at least two sessions before it will be discussed. 
Give students ample time to prepare and try to pique their curiosity about the reading: "This article is one of my favourites, and I'll be interested to see what you think about it." (Sources: Lowman, 1984; "When They Don't Do the Reading," 1989).

Assign study questions.
Hand out study questions that alert students to the key points of the reading assignment. To provide extra incentive for students, tell them you will base exam questions on the study questions. (Source: "When They Don't Do the Reading," 1989).

If your class is small, have students turn in brief notes on the day's reading that they can use during exams.
At the start of each class, a professor in the physical sciences asks students to submit a 3" x 5" card with an outline, definitions, key ideas, or other material from the day's assigned reading. After class, he checks the cards and stamps them with his name. He returns the cards to students at a class session prior to the midterm. Students can then add any material they would like to the cards but cannot submit additional cards. The cards are again returned to the faculty member who distributes them to students during the test. This faculty member reports that the number of students completing the reading jumped from 10 percent to 90 percent and that students especially valued these "survival cards." Source: Daniel, 1988).

Ask students to write a one-word journal or one-word sentence. 
Angelo (1991) describes the one-word journal as follows: students are asked to choose a single word that best summarizes the reading and then write a page or less explaining or justifying their word choice. This assignment can then be used as a basis for class discussion. A variation reported by Erickson and Strommer (199 1) is to ask students to write one complex sentence in answer to a question you pose about the readings and provide three sources of supporting evidence: "In one sentence, identify the type of ethical reasoning Singer uses in his article 'Famine, Affluence, and Morality.' Quote three passages that reveal this type of ethical reasoning" (p. 125).

Ask nonthreatening questions about the reading.
Initially pose general questions that do not create tension or feelings of resistance: "Can you give me one or two items from the chapter that seem important?" "What section of the reading do you think we should review?" "What item in the reading surprised you?" "What topics in the chapter can you apply to your own experience?" (Source: "When They Don't Do the Reading," 1989).

Use class time as a reading period. 
If you are trying to lead a discussion and find that few students have completed the reading assignment, consider asking students to read the material for the remainder of class time. Have them read silently or call on students to read aloud and discuss the key points. Make it clear to students that you are reluctantly taking this unusual step because they have not completed the assignment.

Prepare an exam question on undiscussed readings. 
The faculty member asks her class whether they have done the reading. If the answer is no, she says, "You'll have to read the material on your own. Expect a question on the next exam covering the reading." The next time she assigns reading, she reminds the class of what happened the last time, and the students come to class prepared. (Source: "When They Don't Do the Reading," 1989).

Give a written assignment to those students who have not done the reading. 
Some faculty ask at the beginning of the class who has completed the reading. Students who have not read the material are given a written assignment and dismissed. Those who have read the material stay and participate in class discussion. The written assignment is not graded but merely acknowledged. This technique should not be used more than once a term. (Source: "When They Don't Do the Reading," 1989).

READ 2010 : One Nation Reading Together

The event Read 2010 will be held in school on Monday, 8th November 2010 at 9.30 a.m. The purpose of Read 2010 is to create a greater awareness of the importance of reading. The school community will take part in this event as school is an important place for the development of life long literacy. All the students have been reminded to bring a story book to read on the event day. 

Exam Study and Preparation for SPM 2010

When studying for an exam such as SPM, only study the parts you don´t know. Start studying for your exam early, so that you can ask your teacher if you have any problems. Take advantage of all the things your teacher might provide before the exam.

When studying for an exam, remember that not everything that has been covered in class will be tested. Ask your teacher questions that will help you figure out what will be covered on the exam. Don’t study anything that is unlikely to appear on the exam. 

When studying, it could be good to write down the questions you think might be relevant for the exam. Put them all on separate cards or papers. Then, as you read, make notes that answer each question.

Start by reading through the chapters in a fast pace, that way you will become familiar. If you come across an answer to one of your questions, put a mark next to the text, or note the page number and the paragraph on a separate paper. That way you will easily find the important information later on.

After you‘ve done that, read through the chapters again, and if the first paragraph doesn’t have anything to do with your exam, ignore it.

Highlight everything you don’t know while reading, and focus on studying these particular aspects.

Figure out which way to learn the material works best for you. You can use flash cards for definitions of important words, just make sure that you get the definition right. Maybe you learn better by writing everything down as a kind of essay, or by just scribbling down notes as you read.

When studying for a test, time management and your study environment are essential. You have to make sure that you have enough time to learn all the material before your exam. Be aware of your surroundings. Don’t study somewhere where you can be easily distracted.

Look through your notes at an early stage before the exam. That way, should you have any questions, you can ask your teacher. They are there to help you. If you put off studying until the last few days, and you come across a problem, it will be too late. Take advantage of the study sessions on offer.

If your teacher hands out study sheets, you should of course look at it, but do not rely too much on it. The best way to use it is to study for your exam and then looking at it, that way you can make sure that you’ve studied everything that it’s on it. Sometimes you will also get exam questions. It’s important that you answer all the questions. If you get a copy of an old exam, have a look at it, and make sure that you know the correct answers to all the questions.
Saturday, November 6, 2010 | By: Jijah bt. Mohamad Suhai

Quotes on Leadership.

"A visionary sees light in the dark."
"Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way at the right time."
          - Arnold H. Glasgow

"Management is doing things right ; Leadership is doing the right things."
         - Peter Dracker

"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality."
           - Warren G. Bennis

Wacana Pemantapan Kepimpinan Pengurusan Sekolah

Tarikh :
3 - 4 November 2010

Tempat :
Bilik Bunga Raya, Ujana Kewangan, W. P. Labuan.

Tema :
Anjakan Paradigma ke Arah Budaya Cemerlang bagi Pemantapan Pengurusan Kualiti Pendidikan.

Matlamat :

  • Mewujudkan budaya ilmu dengan perkongsian dan perbincangan ilmu dan kemahiran memimpin serta mengurus hasil daripada pembacaan atau kajian yang dilakukan oleh kepimpinan pendidikan di W. P. Labuan dan para ilmuan jemputan untuk merealisasikan hasrat pembelajaran sepanjang hayat.
Objektif :
Semua peserta dapat 
  • Berkongsi ilmu pengetahuan dan pandangan untuk menjadi panduan dan iktibar kepada kecemerlangan kepimpinan sekolah.
  • Menghasilkan penerbitan kompilasi kertas profesionalisme yang dibentangkan selepas wacana ini.
Impak yang diharapkan :
  • Peningkatan ilmu dan kompetensi kepimpinan para pengurus sekolah serta GC yang dapat MENEPATI kepiawaian / STANDARD KUALITI kepimpinan pengurusan sekolah dan pengurusan P&P setelah odit SKPM.

"Everyday is the day to begin improving and practicing CHANGE."

Tuesday, November 2, 2010 | By: Jijah bt. Mohamad Suhai


Promosi SKPM 2010 telah diadakan pada 2 November 2010 (Selasa) di Bilik Mesyuarat Jabatan Pelajaran Labuan mulai jam 8 pagi hingga 4.30 petang. Program ini merupakan anjuran bersama Jemaah Nazir dan Jaminan Kualiti, W. P. Labuan dan Jabatan Pelajaran W. P. Labuan.

Taklimat telah disampaikan oleh penceramah dari Jemaah Nazir dan Jaminan Kualiti iaitu En. Muthusamy a/l Mottain, Tn. Hj. Mohd. Nor bin Mahmud dan En. Selvarajoo a/l Madhavan.

Dapatan :
SKPM 2010 terdiri daripada 5 standard dan 93 aspek serta wajaran yang ditetapkan.

a)  Standard 1 - Kepimpinan dan Hala Tuju 
                          (8 aspek - 10%)
  • Gaya Kepimpinan.
  • Penetapan dan Pelaksanaan Hala Tuju.
  • Kemahiran Komunikasi.
  • Kemahiran Merancang.
  • Kemahiran Memotivasi dan Menggerakkan Warga Sekolah.
  • Kemahiran Membuat Keputusan dan Menyelesaikan Masalah.
  • Kepimpinan Instruksional.
  • Perkongsian Kepimpinan.

b)  Standard 2 - Pengurusan Organisasi 
                           (8 aspek - 10%)

  • Pengurusan Sumber Manusia.
  • Pengurusan Prasarana.
  • Pengurusan Kewangan dan Aset Alih (Harta Modal dan Inventori).
  • Pengurusan Data dan Maklumat.
  • Pengurusan Sumber Pendidikan dan Teknologi Maklumat Komunikasi (TMK).
  • Iklim.
  • Permuafakatan Strategik.
  • Pengurusan Asrama.

c)  Standard 3 - Pengurusan Kurikulum, 
     Kokurikulum dan Sukan, dan 
     Hal Ehwal Murid (15 aspek - 20%)


  • Ketetapan Pelaksanaan Kurikulum.
  • Pengurusan Mata Pelajaran.
  • Pengurusan Program Peningkatan Pencapaian Murid.
  • Jadual Waktu.
  • Pengurusan Peperiksaan, Pentaksiran dan Penilaian.
     Kokurikulum dan Sukan
  • Ketetapan Pelaksanaan Kokurikulum dan Sukan.
  • Pengurusan Kelab dan Persatuan.
  • Pengurusan Badan Beruniform.
  • Pengurusan Program Sukan Untuk Semua.
  • Pengurusan Sukan Untuk Kecemerlangan.
  • Pengurusan Penilaian Kegiatan Kokurikulum dan Sukan.
     Hal Ehwal Murid
  • Ketetapan Pelaksanaan HEM.
  • Pengurusan Disiplin.
  • Bimbingan dan Kaunseling.
  • Kebajikan, Kesihatan dan Keselamatan Murid.

d)  Standard 4 - Pembelajaran dan Pengajaran
                           (12 aspek - 20%)

  • Penglibatan Murid.
  • Penguasaan Pembelajaran Murid.
  • Hasil Kerja Murid.
  • Perancangan dan Persediaan Guru.
  • Kaedah Penyampaian.
  • Kemahiran Komunikasi.
  • Penggunaan Sumber Pendidikan.
  • Penilaian.
  • Teknik Penyoalan.
  • Penguasaan Isi Kandungan.
  • Penguasaan Kelas (Bilik Darjah/Makmal/Bengkel/Padang)
  • Amalan Profesionalisme Keguruan.

e)  Standard 5 - Kemenjadian Murid 
                           (50 aspek - 35%)

    Kemenjadian Murid Sekolah Menengah 
    (PKS Tg. Per - Tg. 3, Tg. 4 - 5 dan Tg. 6)

  • Pencapaian Murid Sekolah Menengah (Ting. Per./1 - 3) Dalam PKS.
  • Pencapaian Murid Sekolah Menengah (Ting. 4-5) Dalam PKS. 

    Kemenjadian Murid Sekolah Menengah 
    (PMR, SPM, STPM dan STAM).

  • Pencapaian murid sekolah menengah dalam PMR.
  • Pencapaian murid sekolah menengah dalam SPM.

     Kemenjadian Murid dalam Kokurikulum dan 

  • Pencapaian murid dalam Kelab dan Persatuan.
  • Pencapaian murid dalam Badan Beruniform.
  • Pencapaian murid dalam Sukan dan Permainan.
  • Pencapaian murid Keseluruhan kokurikulum dan Sukan.

     Kemenjadian Sahsiah Murid.

  • Sikap dan perlakuan positif.
  • Disiplin murid (Kes ringan, sederhana, berat)
  • Kehadiran murid.

Monday, November 1, 2010 | By: Jijah bt. Mohamad Suhai

Mesyuarat Perancangan Strategik Sekolah-Sekolah Menengah

Tarikh       :   1 November 2010 ( Isnin )
Masa         :   2.30 petang
Tempat     :   Bilik Mesyuarat SK Pekan 1
Kehadiran :   Semua Pengetua &
                     Penolong Kanan Pentadbiran

Rumusan :
1.   Setiap sekolah dikehendaki menyediakan 
      Perancangan Strategik Sekolah 
      (2011 - 2015).

2.   Pelan Kerja Pembinaan 
      Perancangan Strategik Sekolah :
      a)   Penubuhan Jawatankuasa Induk.
      b)   Taklimat Perancangan Strategik Sekolah 
            kepada Jawatankuasa Kerja.
      c)   Agihan tugas kepada guru-guru 
            Jawatankuasa Pelaksana.
      d)   Fasa 1 :  Proses Perancangan.
      e)   Fasa 2 :  Mendefinasikan 
                           Hala Tuju Sekolah.
      f)    Fasa 3 :  Analisis Persekitaran 
                           (SWOT / SWOC)
      g)   Fasa 4 :  Isu, Matlamat, Objektif, 
                           KPI dan Sasaran.
      h)   Fasa 5 :  Strategi.
      i)    Fasa 6 :  Implementasi Strategi.
      j)    Fasa 7 :  Penilaian Prestasi dan 

3.   Lapan Bidang yang terlibat ialah :
      a)   Kurikulum
      b)   Kokurikulum
      c)   Hal Ehwal Murid
      d)   Pengurusan Kewangan
      e)   Pengurusan Pejabat
      f)    Pengurusan Kemudahan & Fizikal
      g)   Pengurusan Sumber Manusia
      h)   Pengurusan Perhubungan Luar

Santapan Minda

Vision without Action is merely a dream,
Action without Vision is merely passing the time,
Vision with Action can change the world.
                                           - Joel Baker, 1991-
Saturday, October 30, 2010 | By: Jijah bt. Mohamad Suhai

What Makes A Great Teacher?

Here are some characteristics of great teachers :

1.   Great teachers set high expectation for all students.
2.   Great teachers have clear written-out objectives.
3.   Great teachers are prepared and organized.
4.   Great teachers engage students and get them to look at issues in a variety of ways.
5.   Great teachers form strong relationships with their students and show that they care about them as people.
6.   Great teachers are Masters of their subject matter.
7.   Great teachers communicate frequently with parents.

                     " The Mediocre teacher tells .....
                         The Good teacher explains ......
                         The Superior teacher demonstrates .....
                         The Great teacher inspires .......  "
                                                       - William Arthur Ward -

            "Tidak ada matlamat terakhir dalam mengejar 
        kualiti dan kecemerlanganIa adalah satu usaha 
        yang tidak berkesudahan."
                                                                       - Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad - 


Tips to Improve Your Math Skills.

1.   Make sure that you understand all of the mathematical concepts. If you do not understand the concepts, then it will be difficult to be able to fully grasp the other concepts that you are being taught. Use practice problems and exercises to ensure that you will be able to understand it correctly.

2.   Consider seeking out a proficient Math tutor to help explain the mathematical concepts that are making it difficult for you to comprehend the points. They will be able to explain this in a simpler way than how your teacher had taught to you.

3.   Make math a regular part of your life by using it on a daily basis. This will help you to continue increasing your aptitude of the subject.

4.   Learn the mathematical terms in order to gain a better understanding of the concepts.

5.   Buy helpful math guides or borrow books from the library that will assist you further in practicing your math skills.

6.   Make sure to double check your work to make sure it is correct, take the extra time to figure out why... and correct the work.

7.   Write out the numbers and mathematical concepts correctly, as this will help to see the work properly. It is easy to make a mistake if the work is written out sloppily or messy.

8.   Change your attitude to a positive one if you find that you do not like math. It will help you to increase your self-confidence. When you have the wrong answer to a problem, try to not get discouraged-- but be encouraged to keep trying to solve the problem.

9.   Learn how to use your calculator effectively. Try to use it everyday.

10. Practice your math at least 5 questions a day. Remember that ...  
Sunday, October 24, 2010 | By: Jijah bt. Mohamad Suhai


Here are some of the tips that would help you to improve your Mathematics.

Like all subjects, you cannot master Mathematics if you already hate it. If you do, please don't. This is because Mathematics is part of your life and there is no way you can run away from it. Like it or not, it is a compulsory subject in school. So, learn to accept Mathematics.

You cannot learn Mathematics simply by trying to memorize it. You have to understand the basic Mathematics concepts, see the pattern and apply them. Once you understand the basic concepts, you have to try Mathematics sums and problems as many as possibles. Mathematics is a practice subject. The more you practice, the better you will be at it. Always try to solve the type of Mathematics sums and problems using different approaches. The more you try to solve the same problems, the better your Maths problems-solving skills will be.

Sometimes, if you cannot solve the Mathematics problems, always approach someone for help such as your Mathematics teacher and your classmates. Get a good assessment book or a guide book that offers plenty of worked examples. By learning from worked examples, you will begin to see the pattern in solving certain types of problems sums.

If you are already very good in Mathematics, you should try to solve more difficult and challenging Mathematics problems.

So, my dear students, please remember that ...

The way to learn and master Mathematics is to LIKE it, UNDERSTAND it, PRACTICE it and ATTEMPT CHALENGGING PROBLEMS.

Good Luck!